哈囉~ 一整年沒更新了...
為了跟大家報告一下我們還活著的消息,開發依舊持續進行中,所以簡單的剪輯一些目前的開發內容跟大家分享。 影片中除了展示新的關卡、怪物跟技能之外,也展示了這次2代中新增的被動技能跟裝備飾品的能力。每個英雄角色會有不同的被動技能;而飾品具有可以抵檔負狀態攻擊的能力,這兩樣對戰鬥結果的可是有重要的影響。
Hello~ We didn't update for a long time.
Yes, HE2 is still in development. We would like to show you something new about the latest progress. The video shows new stages, monsters, and skill effects. In addition, 2 new features showing in the video : the Passive Ability of heroes and the Avoiding Debuffs ability by accessories. These features would make the battle gameplay more interesting.
為了跟大家報告一下我們還活著的消息,開發依舊持續進行中,所以簡單的剪輯一些目前的開發內容跟大家分享。 影片中除了展示新的關卡、怪物跟技能之外,也展示了這次2代中新增的被動技能跟裝備飾品的能力。每個英雄角色會有不同的被動技能;而飾品具有可以抵檔負狀態攻擊的能力,這兩樣對戰鬥結果的可是有重要的影響。
Hello~ We didn't update for a long time.
Yes, HE2 is still in development. We would like to show you something new about the latest progress. The video shows new stages, monsters, and skill effects. In addition, 2 new features showing in the video : the Passive Ability of heroes and the Avoiding Debuffs ability by accessories. These features would make the battle gameplay more interesting.